Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend

I regret to inform all those who may have followed these discussion boards for the past two years that my friend and fellow Audiophile Paul Rosenthal who is known to you as Pubul57 has passed away suddenly earlier this week.

I was happy to know him for the past ten years in Baltimore and he exposed me to a plethora of equipment, advice and insight during that time.

Paul loved many fine things and had many great friends. I know he cherished the time he spent on Audiogon with all of you.

I know I cherished the time I spent with him, he was like the big brother I never had.

I hope you will continue debating what the best source is, or when is absence presence and remember our friend Paul; audiophile, philosopher, and friend.

May he rest in piece.
I'm overwhelmed by all the responses. Ill be sure to share it with his family. Really overwhelmed. Thank you all.
Very sad to hear that.

I really did not know him outside audiogon but I live very close to Paul and we had discussed hooking up to audition each others gear not too long ago. I regret we did not have the chance to meet. My impression was he was a very devoted lover of fine arts and a good guy.
Thank you for initiating this thread, Audiodynamo.

My deepest and heartfelt condolences. Paul was a wonderful Audiogoner whose participation here left us all with his presence. He and his always terrific contributions to the discussion will be sadly missed. I consider myself lucky to have gotten to know him to a certain degree through this site.
I too am sorry to read of Paul's passing. He was always a gentleman in the forums and many of his comments mirrored my own.

My sincere condolences for his family and friends.
You have my sympathies, as well, for the loss of your friend. I enjoyed his posts, and never knew that he also lived in Baltimore. It would have been nice to be able to meet in person.
