Purchase breaks well within 30 days


I purchased a $3750 dac used from a member and within a few weeks one of the two channels stopped working inexplicably.

The dac is under warranty but because the authorized repair shop recommends the entire dac board to be replaced it may take 4-6 month to get the part as the manufacturer is way behind because of covid and has limited capacity to manufacture things.  At minimum will be 3 months.

I would think
If repair estimated to be free and within 60 days or so the buyer should just be patient and not ask for refund.

But if a very lengthy repair timeline I am of the mind that a refund is appropriate but wanted input of others.

For sake of discussion lets assume seller had no idea there was problem and buyer did not contribute to problem

ethically a refund is not appropriate...it's the chance you take buying used equipment...certainly is difficult with the covid repair delays...even though others have mentioned a refund may be legally possible...
Four to six months seems like a long wait.  I might try to politely talk with someone about the possibility of speeding things up.  Something mentioning it's the best DAC you ever heard and you are anxious to get it going again.
First of all I appreciate all the opinions surprised so many adamant ones.

Neither party is a dealer.

The transaction was not the one in my transaction history.

I have bought a lot of used equipment just not on Audiogon but rather from dealers in the past.

Nothing has ever broken in less than 30 days let alone 6 months.

My point perhaps not properly emphasized was that the repair is not trivial but rather necessitates replacement of the entire board of the dac.

I agree if repair minor of course return not appropriate.

But where repair substantial and will not be completed for 4-6 months and occurred so soon after purchase I would expect seller to be more understanding.

I guess you guys think the deal part of buying it used means you lucky it works at all.

I think its also relevant to consider that this dac purchase was expensive.  The dac sells new for 6K and I bought for 4K and was told its like new.

My expectations are higher if paying a lot and discount was good but not much more than some dealers give for new.

In conclusion I am not demanding anything from seller just expecting more for premium price sale but you guys have calibrated my expectations.  I would have taken back if repair substantial and wait long and premium product advertised as like new.

I will focus purchases from dealers especially now going forward as the prevailing sentiment here seems to be that you got a deal so you lucky it works at all or has a warranty is a bit too cavalier for my taste.
I'm surprised that the manufacturer hasn't stepped up and offered you a new replacement since the repair time of your unit is excessively long. It would certainly be a nice gesture on their part.
Say you purchased an expensive used vehicle from someone and the price included a free bumper to bumper warranty. A few weeks later the engine blows. Mechanic tells you you are to receive a brand new engine at no cost to you, but it will take some time. Would you demand that the guy who sold you the vehicle take it back, or would you be stoked about receiving a free brand new engine? It seems to me your gripe is you simply don’t want to wait so long to have it repaired.