Purist Aqueous PC vs. Dominus PC for CD player

I was curious if anyone has done a direct comparison on a cd player between the Purist Aqueous and the Dominus power cords. I currently am using a GNSC modded Resolution Audio Opus 21 with a Kubala Sosna Emotion power cord. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tvad, I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about either one. I have used the Dominus Ferox on my power amp in the past, but could not experiment with it on my CDP because it was a 20 amp cord. Thank you
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Tvad, thank you for your response. With all due respect, I don't remember asking for you to tell me what I would prefer. I am asking what YOUR impressions were between the two cords. What were the differences that YOU heard? I am not trying to seem sarcastic, but was a bit bewildered by your response. Thank you
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Tvad, thank you again for your response. Did you notice a diffence in transparency between the Aqueous and either Dominus, and also was there a clear winner in terms of soundstaging? Thank you.
