Purist Aqueous PC vs. Dominus PC for CD player

I was curious if anyone has done a direct comparison on a cd player between the Purist Aqueous and the Dominus power cords. I currently am using a GNSC modded Resolution Audio Opus 21 with a Kubala Sosna Emotion power cord. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Tvad, thank you again for your response. Did you notice a diffence in transparency between the Aqueous and either Dominus, and also was there a clear winner in terms of soundstaging? Thank you.

I have to echo Tvad's post. He pretty much nailed my impressions of these power cords.

I might add, I do like the fluid Dominus in some applications better than Ferrox. Mostly on Digital. Also, the fluid did work very well on my turntable motor controller. All other areas (preamps, amps) I liked the Ferrox. But I am running all tube amps and pre's. Solid state or a different system may yield a different result.

The Purist 20th Anniversary, yields a improvement over the Dominus. Blacker back ground (much), better details, seems to blend the mids of fluid, the extremes of Ferrox, all perferctly. It's just a amazing cord. Sounds like live music in a killer venue - like the Myerson in Dallas.

Personally, you can't go wrong here. They do get better the more you spend.

Good luck !
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at this price range, consider also the acrolink PC7100. Its very very good for CD players.