Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C

Hello my friends!

I have a pair or Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" balanced interconnect to demo in my system. First impressions are very impressive with a really liquid but tonally balanced midrange and very nice top and bottom end. Although a very expensive cable I think they worth the money.

What is your opinion regarding these cables? Have you compared them to similarly priced products? Your opinion would be highly appreciated!
Please help me decide!


I started a new thread on the analog forum about the new Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Fellows, I am back in the corner---again! The Purist
Audio Anniversary power cords are my fondest wish. But,
now comes PSAudio with their newest configs and I am
wondering if these silver(etc.) cords are the Purists in
disguise? That would save me a bundle. Any comparisons?
Thanks in advance. Bgordon829