sirspeedy, I have not updated my profile in a long time, thus, it not entirely accurate. I have actaully had 2 different pairs of the 211's in my system. Low volume low level detail was amazing, but, for some reason, I was never able to rock out with those amps, without the treble bothering me. I communicated with Dennis Had at Cary, and we could not figure it out. Maybe a lack of system synergy. I have been really enjoying a pair of Dodd 120's modded, using 8 metal base mullards, SS rectified, and 2 tungsol 5687's with a pinch waist amperex E182CC in the middle position of the driver tubes. These amps so far, have eaten the compatition, in my system. Go figure.
I am looking forward to the Lamms, though.
I am looking forward to the Lamms, though.