Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?

I also recently purchased the PSM156. I also have my high current power amp plugged into it and don't notice it restricting dynamics at all. Very happy with this purchase. The only negatives I have found was the 20 Amp power socket (Can't use my other 15-amp power cords) and I wish it had 8 power sockets in the back instead of 6. 

I have the same experience, the PSM156 simply offers much more dynamics than I have ever experienced before. Sometimes I am suddenly startled by an unexpectedly loud passage in music I know very well 😁

I now have Puritan filters on both of my systems. Without question, both units improved the clarity of each system. I am plugging my amps directly into the Puritan, along with all upstream components. 

When funds allow, I’ll purchase the ultimate power cord and see how that impacts my primary system as a test. 

I guess it is system dependent, but do want to report I am a happy customer. My enjoyment of music has gone up since adding the 136 (first) and now 156 device. 

If anyone is curious and wants to get more details, hit me up on PM. 


I have PSM156 conditioners in three stereos and one home recording studio. I have plenty of experience with the Ultimate PCs and recommend them.

I think Puritan should market to the pro crowd, as the improvements that these units impart in the studio, to me, are far more obvious that in my consumer stereos. Probably, in part to the fact that I am very familiar with the sound of my instruments, especially the Hammond/Leslies (several models and combinations), so degradation due to compromised AC are more obvious there than the difference in someone else's recorded Hammond on LP, CD or streaming.