Put fun back into Hometheater+Music

      Music and Movies are fun, they remind us we are human and we love entertainment. Im not sure where this idea got derailed and became so serious and jaded. I hear the points of view in their insulting manner, in their very narrow points of view and i shake my head. There seems to be such a desire to be “right” instead of sharing our audio knowledge in a caring way.

respecting each other is really the GoldenRule, but it got lost when we sit behind our screens and throw insults and mean spirited comment.

i feel most sorry for the newcomers who have a desire to put together fun systems for their families and get caught in the mire of negativity, let’s band together with all our knowledge and help each other and make the world a better place, peace & love 

You must have been reading some turntable threads. For some reason it is impossible to play a record. Frankly it is impossible even to have a record to play. First it must be cleaned, a process that all by itself consumes more time and resources than exist anywhere, ever. But then even if you skip this step you still can’t play it. For that you need a turntable, for which you need a place to put the turntable, and there simply are no suitable places to put a turntable! Probably you will have to build a whole house- on concrete embedded in bedrock, possibly, or floating in orbit in outer space- and even then it must be in another room from you and the speakers.....
But then even if you skip all that there is still the problem of 175 different alignments and jigs, and probably the arm isn’t even compatible with the cartridge, or the table- or both!

Eventually after all that it will turn out the record you want to play is the wrong one. If it isn’t a crappy reissue then its a crappy remaster or an even crappier beat up old copy - that you can’t afford anyway because the worst records command the highest prices! And why would you want to play it anyway? That is only going to wear it out. All you will hear anyway is pivoted arm mistracking. Unless of course its a linear tracker in which case you hear the air compressor.

That’s what makes it all so much fun. Nothing better than doing the impossible!
Respecting each other is PART of the Golden Rule.

It goes "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Some folks come here kicking their own behind. WHY wouldn't I be a good fellow and help them out? You know the "Golden rule thing"

How about come here ask a question and listen to the response.

I see people post all the time "asking a question" and really start HATING the correct answers they get.. Down right snarky and PMS-ing.

THEN there is the "Prove it to me crowd". BS prove it to yourself.. LOL I paid my dues with dollars AND others good sense. The question at which point do I start listening and QUIT talking...

OP who cares? Do what you like to do and live by that "Golden Rule"
I've met one or two that got close.. Great plan, easy, but TOUGH to pull off..

Offer a suggestion, dont try so hard to know everything, dont try so hard to be right,  that is only an attempt to prove that someone is wrong, no glory, only Ego.

be nice……its nicer. 
This is an interesting post/thread. I agree that respecting each other is important. There should be more camaraderie here than exists. However it is a 2 way street as @oldhvymec has pointed out. And maybe people share in the wrong rooms too. IE, I go through the "recent" threads as listed above. It takes me to ALL the rooms/boards. So I end up in HT without knowing and answer a question from my 2 channel perspective. We're men and we can't say we were wrong. And apologizing is a sign of weakness (according to Gibbs. So we have disagreements which aren't settled quickly

Offer a suggestion, don't try so hard to know everything, don't try so hard to be right,

Ever think that maybe they might believe that you will learn why from the comment they made. Some people aren't real good at written conversation. I think much faster than I type and so maybe a little understanding of the potential causes is in order for you. BTW I'm not to big to apologize and I certainly don't care if anyone sees it. I know who I am. 
don't try so hard to know everything, don't try so hard to be right,
On to this tidbit I wish more people would try harder to get things right. Just look around you!. Just as Roger Waters has suggested, we have "Amused (Ourselves) To Death" to the point of near self destruction because we have listened to Your advice and NOT CARED about  right or wrong and how much of either were done. What you are seeing now is the natural outgrowth of what you have  prescribed. Is this what you expected? NO!! Then look around.
Best to you. You are a fair minded person. We agree on some things. But not caring about being right is not one of them