QLN Prestige 3

Hello, I'm auditioning the Borresen X2's side-by-side with my Focal Sopra 2's and wonder if any QLN owners could weigh in on the Prestige 3 or similar models as to the sonic characteristics and equipment with which you drive it. Thanks, Greg


mbmi...I am pulling for my X2's as there is much to love about them. The bass is just uncanny in its presence and accuracy and the details it reveals in the music make my Sopra 2's sound muddled. However, and I'm not going to make a decision for another couple of weeks, but at the moment the X2's give off tweeter fatigue to my 65-year old ears and especially at higher volumes. Also, the soundstage, which is okay in width, is not near the Sopra 2's in depth and height. If these speakers were chairs the Sopra 2 is a well worn patina leather chair I sink in and the X2 is an excellently designed modernist chair but not the one you want to sit in for hours reading on a rainy day. 

Now, I will be curious as to what happens when my pair of REL S510's arrive on Tuesday. No need for anyone to respond about not needing subs...I am way past the line where I firmly believe a pair of subs create music that can't be matched without....I'm pulling for the X2's for if the tweeter settles or softens just a bit I will keep them for a long time. 

And, yes, I know others believe the extra hours are doing nothing for the speakers but only allowing my/our ears to adjust and become normalized. I'm going to take the word of the manufacturer and a dealer I spoke to who said the X's sound better past 100 hours and Borresen speakers further up the price line sound better after 200...

Long time QLN P3 owner, let me know if you have questions. I’ve listened to the Borresens, very wow factor speaker but I wasn’t my vibe. 

@poketacez - I’m another QLN P3 owner and fan. I’m curious about your system. What are you using when your QLN speakers? Would welcome knowing your streamer, Dac, preamp, amp and cables. 

@bluethinker you are curious? cheeky I have been waiting to see a photo of your pretty setup for how long now...?