Quad 2805 Toe In Experience?

I am just breaking in my new pair of 2805's. I have never had Quads or any electrostats before...always dynamic driver speakers. While they only have about 20 hours on them, I think they are going to be excellent...everything I hoped for!

They are about 4.5' out from the front wall, about 10' apart (from speaker centers) and about 9' from speaker to listening seat. My listening room is 16' X 13' with a 9' ceiling. The speakers are about 1.5' from each side wall and there is diffusion on the side walls and behind the listening seat.

My question is how much should I toe them in? I am looking for the right balance of image specificity and soundstage width. Right now they are toed in about 1/2 way between firing straight ahead and directly pointing at the listening position.

I plan to do much more experimenting. But before I install the spikes, I would greatly appreciate learning from others experience with Quads.


I used to borrow Quad ESL 988 from my friend to try in my room for a few days.I didn't get good low freguency. Anyone who have a room at the same size or smaller than me and using Quad ESL2905 without a problem from room's size,please advice. Thanks
Hi Papak,
My dealer demoed the 2905s in a room that was less than 14'wide. My listening room is also 14'wide and I am getting solid LFE, not in the Wilson Audio sense, but still deeply satisfying. IMHO its the distance from the front wall that is really important. With a room length of 20' I reckon you should be more than ok. Before you take the plunge, check with your dealer as suggested by Dave.
The Quads are sensitive to being fed too many watts.They actually discourage amps in excess of 100 wpc. You can go upto 150 wpc but caution is urged in the Quad manual.
Njoy the journey.
PS. These are outstanding speakers
Hi Tricon dave , Sunnyboy
Appreciate for your nice comment.I think I will go for 2905 soon.
Have a fun with your system.