Quad ESL or Soundlab?

Have anyone compared those two brands? Both of them are ESL, I have heard the New Quad 2805 driven with Quad's 15watt tube mono block, they sounded amazing, very transparent and uncolored. Didn't have chance to hear Soundlab yet but will be very interesting to hear from ppl who have heard both speakers.

i don't think much of the 2805. i have heard them several times. i am looking for a new speaker and am considering quads unlimited quad esls(quad 57).

as for soundlab. you probably need a lot of current and i don't think they are as pure sounding as the quad esl.
I have no experience of the 2805s. But I had Quad ESL-63s for several years. I liked them except for one thing -- the very narrow "sweet spot." Were someone to buy those speakers, I would advise that person to sign up for a Yoga class at the same time. With suitable training and practice, one could sit still, and hold one's head still, until it was time to change the CD. With advanced training in Yoga, one could even buy a multiple disc player and sit still until an embolism transported you beyond audio nirvana. The Sound Labs have wider sweet spots, but my wife vetoed them because of their size.
I disagree with the sweet spot being narrow.

I have just ordered a set of 2805 (Quad 63 owner in the past) which I will pick up next weekend. If you like Quads nothing else will compare, go ahead and let the music make you happy. I will be driving mine with an EAR 859 (13W per channel), the dealer used a CJ MV60.
hi mozart:

you bought the wrong quads. you should have considered stacked quad 57s. the 2805 is a "souped up" quad 63.

i am in the market for a speaker and i am considering quads unlimited quad 57s.
The stacked Quad 57's can be considered as benchmark electrostatic speakers. The Soundlab A-1's (which I own) remind me of them. The Soundlabs have more bass and deeper bass. Also the SPL handling is better (can play louder).
