Quality of Sony SACD players as CD transports

To those who've used high quality redbook CD transports:

What do you think of the Sony SACD players as redbook transports going into an external DAC? I am thinking about the SCD-1, XA777ES and DVP-9000SE models.

Are these units, used for their digital out, in the same league as $3000-4000 transports like, say, the Levinson 37?

Thanks for the comments.
I have used several different Sony players as transports with excellent results. Currently the XA-777ES is is my system, but I previously had a Dan Wright modified SCD-333ES. I think either could compete with dedicated transports costing far more. I view the Sony SACD players as excellent transports with SACD playback as a bonus. The XA-777ES with the Chord DAC 64 is a big step up from the Sony's redbook playback alone, although the XA-777ES is an excellent redbook CD player. I'd only get an SCD-1 if you have to have extremely slow track access and inferior DACs in comparison to the XA-777ES.