
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


Tube gear, in particular power amplifiers, vary much more in their sound than do solid state amps.  It is not easy to characterize tube amp sound and know tube amp ‘sound” from just a few examples—Audio Research sounds radically different from Audio Note.  Also tube amps require much more care in matching requirements of the speakers.  In that sense, good solid state is “safer” in terms of avoiding incompatibility.  I find Pass Labs to be decent solid state stuff; although much more particular in terms of speaker matching, Pass Labs’ other brand-First Watt—is even better sounding to me.

I went about halfway down into the comments, which go all over the place, and just jumped right to this. I’m glad to see you canceled the demo because though Pass amps are generally fantastic and I’m fairly sure you’ll like it over the Benchmark- you can demo any amp you want anytime you want and still get something that sounds terrific with your speakers. Do it in your time and in a deal that makes sense. I’m a guy who has no problem paying a restocking fee for an audition. You can pay restocking fees all over the internet and they won’t be $300.

And like everyone else, I’d never do business with a schmuck who makes such an ill intentioned offer- $300 to bring you a piece of equipment he wants to sell. That’s hillbilly sht. I’m from Brooklyn- I worked for the best goniffs in the business, most of them had a lot more class than that.