Question for current Sourcepoint 8 users

Hello all. I recently placed an order for a pair of Mofi Sourcepoint 8 speakers, which are on backorder until April. While I'm waiting, I want to build stands for them. I'd like to build them so the top plate of the stands is flush with the bottom of the speaker cabinet. The problem is I can't find the dimensions of the cabinet itself - I can only find them for the speaker overall, which includes the protruding front baffle.

If any current Sourcepoint 8 owner has a moment to measure the cabinet, I would greatly appreciate it. I've reached out to Mofi directly but haven't heard back yet. 


Thank you again, yogiboy. They don't actually come with them - they package them together and discount the price. I bought mine without because I'm not a fan of their stands ...I would prefer to make my own. Thanks again! 

 I recently placed an order for a pair of Mofi Sourcepoint 8 speakers, which are on backorder until April.

It looks as if Music Direct is showing them in stock.


Thanks immatthewj. Unfortunately walnut is not in stock, there or anywhere else. I also have a dealer I have worked with in the past whom I like.