Question for Ex-Maggie Owners

Im curious to know what made you decide to change.
Im sure you, like most of us, change components for the sake of something new or a different "flavor" but was there
something that you grew to dislike as time went by with your Maggies.
Thanks for help,
If I had my choice, I would own a pair of the new 3.6's -- I heard them again at my dealer the other day, and my mouth just watered......I just don't have the space for them in the one place in my house where I can put my stereo. Its not that I have a small room, or that Maggies are hard to place, I just have an awkward listening room that has other demands that just won't allow for proper set-up of even the 1.6's. Magenpans just do everything right for me.

Maggies are still my favorite a sidenote, in my system, the only box speaker that I have found I enjoy to a degree close to the Magnepan, was the Thiel CS 2.3
I think the place that Maggies would be wonderful are as surround speakers because they would envelop the listener with sound.I think I might buy a Maggie CC speaker because of the clarity they give to vocals.I really cannot think of a better CC to use than a Maggie.

The thing that really bugs me are the people that like the sound buy them for small rooms.Just amazes me how people cannot think of room synergy before buying them.There are box speakers that are just as transparent along with extended bass and I own a few sets.They are the fix for people wanting the Maggie sound without having to have the room to put them in.Problem is people do not think speakers that have the same magic exist which is sad.
I did buy some SMGa and had them shipped.

Unfortunately after shipping (it could have been before I guess) the mylar got ripped and one speaker is ruined!
So beware of shipping.
Jposs:Magnepan must insure the speakers they ship.Did you contact them.It would be coverd.