Question/Help Needed: Boomer who is totally inexperienced with DACs and streamers.

Question/Help Needed: Totally inexperienced with DACs and streamers. The streaming I currently do is with an Alexa device connected to the AUX input of vintage receivers with RCA cables (I have several setups in the house).

I just bought a NAD C375BEE Integrated Amp that has a DAC module installed. It is driving Thiel CS 1.6 speakers. (I am slowly trying to go from low-fi to something a bit better)

I want to "stream" but have no idea what is needed in a streamer to deliver really solid quality music. Is it the source? The streamer? The DAC? I do like the "voice control" I get with the Alexa devices I have.

Any/all help or advice is much appreciated!! Thanks!!  John


Boomer here also.  Using your Alexa to stream will give you a very compromised sound quality.  The Alexa receives the streaming files via MP3 protocol,  which is a very lossy compression codec. As suggested by several previous posters,  I  would recommend either the Wiim Pro Plus, or the Bluesound Node, and take the digital output into your DAC. I have a Bluesound Node and use both Amazon and Idagio for streaming services. The Node supports Amazon streaming in Ultra HD  (24/192). I'm not sure what the Wiim supports. You won't have voice control,  but the Bluesound app control from a phone or tablet is very intuitive and user friendly.  I  have a very resolving system,  but have stuck with the Node just because of the app and the streaming services that it supports.  I did modify the Node with a TeddyPardo Linear Power Supply, which really improved the SQ.  I now use streaming for about 90% of my listening. Good luck with your audio experience!!

Thanks, from my reading the Wiim Pro Plus supports 24/194 as well. In looking at that vs the Node, aside from the price (Node is twice as much) the Wiim digital outs are coaxial and optical, while the node has USB as well. Some past posts suggest the optical is not optimum, but the specs for the optical on the Wiim and my NAD internal DAC suggest they fully support 24/192 as well. So if I go for the lesser priced one (Wiim) with optical, am I losing sound quality vs a USB connection? Hope that question makes sense....

Also, to everyone that has responded - THANKS!!!! I am learning a lot......and to be fair to all, I am limited by budget where the Node would be a stretch and the Wiim would be cool. Buying the NAD amp took a big chunk out of my "things you want but don’t really need" budget.....LOL...

I use the coaxial out on my Node, into a PS Audio Directstream DAC.  The optical will provide the same resolution,  but perhaps a bit more jitter (some may debate this). If the Wiim Pro Plus is what fits your budget,  I think you will probably be very happy with it.  It will be significantly better than streaming from an Alexa device!

The Wiim offers a coaxial out, but my amp/internal DAC do not have a coaxial in, so I would need a coaxial/USB adapter or something similar.  Seems at least for now, should go Wiim/optical and take it from there......thanks again!