Questions about Resolving Systems

I know this will be subjective but what makes a resolving system?

Does it mean it has great detail?

How do you know if you have a resolving system?

Is that only for system that employ high end components?

I am just trying to get a better understanding.



OP --- what makes a resolving system?

An audio system sounds the most life like with everything mentioned above. It sounds like this video.


A truly Audiophile resolving system ,1st will take $$ on average at least $50 k

minimum , by many standards 

A system that can reproduce the finest detail within the separated instruments and vocals and place them in a wide soundstage with pinpoint accuracy.

Eric Clayton’s Lady in the Balcony- I hear his shirt sleeve buttons rubbing against the guitar strings down near the base of the guitar in a couple of his songs.  A Led Zepplin song- his drum pedal squeaks.  I forget which song but it is really annoying.  Hum in microphone cords, talking, coughing become very apparent and is distracting at first.  The upside is the black background, the holographic soundstage and the clarity transport me from my listening room to the stage.  Another fun recording is the Carly Simon Live at Grand Central.  The ambience and sounds from the crowd and station are wonderful to hear.

Truly resolving systems are more real than real.  For example being able to pick out individual voices in a Chorle or the individual instruments in an orchestra with breathtaking clarity.  It’s exciting to hear a system that resolving but in real life I cannot stand in front of a live orchestra and pick out each instrument so easily.  Same goes for a choir.  

Clarity and resolution are addictive to me.  I tried to dial it back some by removing isolation on components but once I experienced it I couldn’t go back.  I’m used to it now.  Like in life we learn to filter things out.


You mentioned your last two purchases... what were they if you don't mind sharing?  I'm just curious what finally fixed things for you.