"Integrated Amp" Do I dare go there??????

Hello Audiogoner's,
Without going into huge details I'll get right to the point!!!!, can a serious Stereophile, really survive on integrated amp alone?? after having separates for over 40 years, are there any really awesome integrated amps out there which could out perform my present system?. I am Running Krell, gear but I am getting that change gear itch! Bad Idea! can't be done?, let me know sugestions appreciated. ******Thank You Again.
Bizarre. What a waste of time.
Ditto. A one-day itch, my butt. Or rather, his...and we all just scratched it good.
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Sorry, if I jumped the gun!!!! a little? just want to make sure you guys and gals are paying attention, and you did great. I've been around long enough to know there are some great Integrated amps out there!. Thanks
People buys hi-end gears for different reasons : (1). For the love of music reproduced thru the gears. (2).For the love of the gears (3).For the proud of ownership and status = mine is better than yours. Aoltes, What is yours ? Don't have to answer here just reflect on yourself for a moment.