Phaelon - Thank you for sharing in more detail your past listening experience with the VPAs. I guess if I do end up with the VPAs, my choice of the Amadis would apparently prove to be serendipitous. But I do still intend to give Shindo amps a listen, and I have not ruled out also listening to the aforementioned new Leben CS-1000P if one should become available locally for audition.
What differences do you recall hearing between the VPAs and BATs with Verity speakers? If you had an overall preference for one over the other, what sonic trait(s) was/were the basis for your preference.
Again, many thanks for your comments thus far, and any other information you can recall and are willing to share.
What differences do you recall hearing between the VPAs and BATs with Verity speakers? If you had an overall preference for one over the other, what sonic trait(s) was/were the basis for your preference.
Again, many thanks for your comments thus far, and any other information you can recall and are willing to share.