With cables, once you get to a certain point, it Becomes the law of diminishing returns. The crap that used to come with tape decks, turntables or tuners was terrible! But even going with a larger gauge Monster interconnect made a huge difference. After that, yes there were differences, but none as dramatic as replacing those super cheap IC’s that came in the box.
RCA Interconnect recommendations
I'm looking for a new set of interconnects and need recommendations. I'm running a Rega P3 (with Exact and Neo PSU) and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. In between, I will be adding a Darlington MM7B, which is on order. I was using an old pair of Cardas Ultralink 5C interconnects but find them a bit muddled. I also have a pair of Audioquest Red River interconnects and they're very bright. Any suggestions for something that's musical, clear and detailed, with good bass response?
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- 41 posts total
Do you mean Quadlink or Hexlink instead? If so I can share first hand most of the older QL/HL 5C cables from Cardas are nowhere near what any of the next iterations past few decades of Clear, Reference, Reflection, Beyond series. Cardas periodically shares there are fake counterfeits and junk copy Hexlink out there too. Buying authenticated and serial numbered Cardas with ID cards and validation is the way to go to ensure you are not hearing something else fwiw. I’ve seen posts like this before, people send them in to Cardas for verification and certification by Cardas and you never hear back on how it turned out for them. |
Wiser words have never been spoken on these forums… |
"Do you mean Quadlink or Hexlink instead?" I meant Quadlink! My bad "If so I can share first hand most of the older QL/HL 5C cables from Cardas are nowhere near what any of the next iterations past few decades of Clear, Reference, Reflection, Beyond series. Cardas periodically shares there are fake counterfeits and junk copy Hexlink out there too." Yes, these Quadlinks are about 30 years old. My dad bought them after he retired when he was working at a high end stereo store, so they are legit.
"With cables, once you get to a certain point, it Becomes the law of diminishing returns." Totally agree. Maybe people with great ears can continue to hear significant sound improvements up the price chain, but for me, with somewhat diminished hearing, I can't justify spending more than $200 to $300 on interconnects. |
- 41 posts total