Re-terminate speaker cables

I have a pair of audio quest rocket 33 cables that are biwire. I want to have them changed to full range with spades on the speaker end.  Audio quest is unresponsive.  Is there another resource to get this done?
Here’s another option:

- Assuming all 4 bi-wire leads are currently terminated with banana plugs
- Leave the tweeter pair on bananas
- Reterminate the bass pair with spades
- On your speaker binding posts, you can now clamp down  the bass spades with the top nut and then insert the tweeter banana plugs on top. - You retain ability to bi-wire in the future.

@fuzztone "I’d put locking bananas on yourself. Screw terminals."

Is "screw" a noun or a verb?
You sell the cables to another chump on line for a tidy profit, then go buy a quality 10 gauge speaker wire. and leave the silliness behind. 
"...Probably a silly question but I don’t want to short something out if I decide to do this myself..."

Check your work with an ohm meter. 
I have tried and it is very difficult for the wire that I have, I just quit and send to the Cie, they know how to terminate the good way.