@gopaljeen Townshend Audio Allegri Reference Passive preamp. There are a few lightly used ones for sale on us audio mart in your price range.
It has received many excellent reviews.
Reasonably priced preamplifier
At some point in the future, I would like to own a preamplifier from either CH Precision or Soulution but looking at their prices, I do not think that it is going to happen soon. So, until such time, I wanted to ask from experienced users here if there are preamplifiers within 7-8k (used) range that are different from the herd and can provide similar kind of performance that CH or Soulution provides?
@gopaljeen Townshend Audio Allegri Reference Passive preamp. There are a few lightly used ones for sale on us audio mart in your price range. It has received many excellent reviews. |