"Not to judge PC users in genenral, but if one were new to computers and read this thread, he or she might conclude..."
"Mac people = fun, creative and helpful"
"PC people = snobby, superior, grumpy, jealous, stiff and repressed."
- You'd "JUDGED" us (Mac and PC people)!!!
"That's cool and all, but what does this have to with taking, editing and posting pictures on the web? "
- ...You'd said it yourself!!!
"Not to judge PC users in genenral, but if one were new to computers and read this thread, he or she might conclude..."
"Mac people = fun, creative and helpful"
"PC people = snobby, superior, grumpy, jealous, stiff and repressed."
- You'd "JUDGED" us (Mac and PC people)!!!
"That's cool and all, but what does this have to with taking, editing and posting pictures on the web? "
- ...You'd said it yourself!!!