Recommendations on small ESL speakers for tiny room

I currently have Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. They are incredible, but I have a tiny room: 10 x 10ft. Even though M545 is the smallest of Sound Lab, it is too dynamic and overwhelms my room-even with all the room treatments. I am looking for a smaller ESL that can deliver super clarity and intimacy even at low volume. Any thoughts?




Actually it's a great idea. 

Decware has an article on it @ their site.


Audiokinesis, what do you think about Quad 2812 which is 30% smaller than my speakers or the full size 2912.

I find that loud passages are too loud, so when I turn down the volume, quiet passages such as with vocals recede. May be the problem is not with the speakers but with pre/amp?

I read one review in which someone was driving Quad ESL 2812 with a 25W tube amp. This would be impossible to do with Sound Lab.