Recommendations on small ESL speakers for tiny room

I currently have Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. They are incredible, but I have a tiny room: 10 x 10ft. Even though M545 is the smallest of Sound Lab, it is too dynamic and overwhelms my room-even with all the room treatments. I am looking for a smaller ESL that can deliver super clarity and intimacy even at low volume. Any thoughts?




Actually it's a great idea. 

Decware has an article on it @ their site.


Audiokinesis, what do you think about Quad 2812 which is 30% smaller than my speakers or the full size 2912.

I find that loud passages are too loud, so when I turn down the volume, quiet passages such as with vocals recede. May be the problem is not with the speakers but with pre/amp?

I read one review in which someone was driving Quad ESL 2812 with a 25W tube amp. This would be impossible to do with Sound Lab.

we have been doing this for 40 years most elecrostatics do not work well in such a space as they need space to breathe.


We are importing an amazing compact monitor that sounds like an electrostatic


the speaker is made out of cast iron and graphite

this is probably the most inert and non resonant cabinet on the planet


the tweeter is one ofthe worlds best soft domes from hipoquan

this tweeter is hand made in denmark from one of the best tweeter designers out there oskar wroending who spent his career at dynaudio

His own tweeters represent an evolution of dynaudios tweaters

these tweeters are fast articulate and smooth

the midwoofer is a compositepaper and carbon fiber cone which is fast with a tight midbass that blends well with the tweeter

the crossover is all mundorf components

long story short electrostatc speed and clarity an amazing soundstage the speakers completely disappear.

in a tiny sealed enclosure that exccells in small rooms


Dave andTroy

Audio intellect NJ

usimporter jern loudspeakers