Recommended interconnect phono to preamp

Hello, I am looking for a 0.5m interconnect for my VPI-JWA tone arm to a GCPH Cambridge preamp. I'm just overwhelmed at the number of choices. I will not be fooled by a 5000U$ half meter of anything but I want a quality shielded cable.
Thanks for the input.
I bought some 28ga cotton-insulated silver wire, a Cardas DIN plug, and in my case some Neutrik XLRs (you might want male RCA plugs), from M Percy and made my own IC, for a net investment of around $100. Percy also sells the braided shield and heat shrink you might want. This is for use in what I consider to be a high end system and sounds fabulous.
I'm another VdH user. Mine is the Integration. I've used it on both an LP12 and my current LT-30
I am very happy with the Morrow PH-3 cables that I am using between my VPI Classic and EAR 834p phono preamp.