recommended speaker cables and interconnects

trying to upgrade step by step my stereo system, after not dealing with it for awhile.
right now have 3 kinds of speaker cables.
old audio quest , and an old monster cables.
a bit newer Kimber cable that are too short for my current configuration.
for interconnects, one pair of MIT mi-330
and one pair of Audioquest Ruby 2.
looking to upgrade for moderate price.
can’t give a budget range cause i am not familiar with the prices .


Don't waste money on uber expensive cables. Just for the heck of it I bought a pair of Canare 4S11 Quad speaker cables for US65 including postage to Australia from the USA on Ebay to try against much, much more expensive Nordost cables and Morrow cables. I couldn't hear any difference so the Nordost and Morrow were sold. If YOU can't hear the difference don't spend the bucks.

Buy used purist cables if you can find them. Not the Uber expensive line. They sound great but can add a little warmth if your system is on the brighter side. 


i completely agree with @gita .  Stick with one manufacturer throughout. In other words I would not mix and match manufacturers just because you might get a special deal on say an interconnects or speaker cables. Usually if you work with a dealer they will take whatever you buy back in on a trade to something higher up in the line. That is how I have worked up in my system. Started with blue heaven Nordost and now on tyre 2 and Vahalla . In my humble opinion the most improvement came on the power cable side of things. Also the power cable from the wall to a nice power supply like a Nordost QB8 or and Audioquest Niagra or something similar. My most expensive cable is the wall to my qb8. Also I did get a dedicated 20 amp line which cleaned things up as well.

I can recommend the new Decware power cable, and also the interconnects.

Fairly priced and a big improvement  

If your lucky enough to have a dealer near by, try and demo as many as possible in your system. I believe the Cable Company has a demo program.