albert was also kind enuff to send me a sample, but spring chores have so overwhelmed me that i haven't had a chance to inwestigate it yet. also, i don't have a record wacuum, & albert sez it really needs to be wacuumed after application for best results. he passed on to me a cheapskate trick i may try - yust get the vpi wacuum wand (awailable as a replacement part) & rig it up to a wacuum cleaner. isle have to do this! ;~)
regarding your comparison, i've heard ewe should let several hours pass - minimum - prior to replaying a record, as the intense heat generated from the stylus on the winyl causes some groove deformation, & ewe want to give it a chance to recover. dunno which frequencies mite be most susceptible to damage - perhaps the low frequencies? mebbe this is why your bass response got a bit muddier? comments from others here, would be helpful...
regards, doug s.