Reference 3A Grand Veena's

Oh no, here it comes again, the dreaded "audiophile nervosa"...

I have a pair of perfectly fine Piega P10s that I've lived with and enjoyed for several years now, and yet I've grown curious about what else is out there. I stumbled upon a thread in which the Grand Veenas were being discussed with some enthusiasm by several who had heard them at shows, in dealer showrooms, or in their own living rooms, and now I'm thinking of driving to Atlanta to hear a pair for myself.

Before I do, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share further impressions? In particular, I am wondering how they compare to other speakers in the 6-12K price range? For those who bought them, what did you have previously, and what about the Grand Veenas made you take the leap?

I appreciate all input, and understand that there is no substitute for hearing them with my own ears. Be assured, I won't be buying without hearing them first, and I doubt the Piegas will go down without a fight. But still...

Thanks in advance for any and all impressions.
I'll qualify my comments by adding that treble and midrange are superlative. There is some discontinuousness between the midrange and bass drivers(which I believe has also been noted by pro reviewers), and LF lacks the impact and grip that I'm accustomed to with my modded Merlins. However, there is no doubt that at $8K the Grand Veenas are an excellent value.
I haven't heard the Veenas, so good luck with that. As for the recommendation for the 3.6s, you would not be happy after living with the P-10s.

As a P-10 owner myself, when you find something that bests them, please share. I am thinking anything that I can afford would be a lateral move at best.....

fwiw The Absolute Sounds HP's (rave) review:
I and 4 of my die-hard audio friends have heard the Grand Veenas and other Reference speakers at the last 3 auido shows and we all agree: Somewhat bright, not smoothly integrated top to bottom, light sounding and while very open transparent they lack refinement and none of us would care to own them. Once again HP must have better drugs than the rest of us based on his review and his other reviews in past couple of years.
Having heard them at the same meeting as Dgarettson, I'll add I thought they were well-balanced tonally, with exceptional treble and midrange; lacking in the last octave of bass; and better suited for a smaller room than the very large one we were in. I didn't really notice the discontinuity in the bass, but it is likely there, in a slight amount. Not a head-banger's speaker, and probably better suited to smaller scale ensembles than a Mahler symphony, but a good speaker for sitting back and forgetting hi-fi and listening to music. I agree that at $8K they are a relative bargain in the (admittedly overpriced) world of high end speakers. But I'm not sure if it's a step up from your Piegas but rather just sideways, having also heard them. Worth hearing the Reference 3As, though.