Thanks so much for your response. I too prefer a richer, more musical, especially a smoothness of texture music through my system.
Perhaps tube rolling may have helped a bit. I found the included Jan/Phillips tubes in my modded player to have a hardness about them. I prefer the NOS Tung-Sols I am currently using. Also, as you observed, your cables at that time were on the brighter side and may, therefore, not have produced an enjoyable resulting sound.
The good news is that it seems like you have worked your way toward a more musically satisfying system now.
Thanks so much for your response. I too prefer a richer, more musical, especially a smoothness of texture music through my system.
Perhaps tube rolling may have helped a bit. I found the included Jan/Phillips tubes in my modded player to have a hardness about them. I prefer the NOS Tung-Sols I am currently using. Also, as you observed, your cables at that time were on the brighter side and may, therefore, not have produced an enjoyable resulting sound.
The good news is that it seems like you have worked your way toward a more musically satisfying system now.