Rega Planar 3 upgrades

Hi Everyone,

I have a couple of quick turntable related questions for the community.

A little background.  I currently have two turntable setups.  One is a Clearaudio Concept with a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge.  The other is Rega Planar 3 (2016 version) with an Ortofon 2M Bronze.

I've been thinking of upgrades for the Planar 3 and took the plunge on a new Neo TTPSU.  Any thoughts on a Groovetracer sub platter?  How close would I be to a Planar 6 at that point?

The Clearaudio MM cartridge that came with the Concept table was barely used when I upgraded the cartridge to the 10x5.  I still have it laying around.  Can anyone recommend to me a good relatively cheap (under $400) turntable that would be a good fit for this cartridge?  I believe it weights 8 grams and has a tracking force of 1.9 to 2.5g.

One final question.  Can anyone recommend a decently easy to use cartridge protractor?  I need to learn to do my own setups.

Thank you


Buy a used Dual 502, 504 or 505 model.  
Or…a Technics DD with S shaped arm. 
Many out there for sale under $400.00.

I bought a barely used Rega P1 that came with both the Rega cartridge and Nagaoka MP-110 cartridges for $350 CAN. Owner decided to go with Rega P3 for better sound and was outside the return window on P1. The interesting part was the he was totally deaf, couldn’t hear me knock on door or doorbell.

It is possible that it would be cheaper to sell your P3 and purchase a P6 in its place. I think highly of Rega's but I don't like felt mats. Ringmat Solutions or some other high quality brand would be my manner of course.