Reimer v. Revel subwoofer

I am considering the Revel B-15 or the Reimer 12" sub for my 2ch music system (Merlin VSM-MMs). Has anyone used either of these with the Merlins? I have corresponded with Bobby and either from a specification standpoint would be OK, in terms of type of crossover, etc. TIA.
A friend sells Velodyne. He tells me he would never purchase a Velodyne for two channel even at the price he could buy them for. He doesn't care for the sound for video either. He was very impressed with my Revel Sub 30s which are setup for two channel. Seek out Adidadi for good deals on Revel Subs. Be prepared for a lengthy time of experimentation to get the setup right for your system. If you don't care for Revel, go for a Rel.
After installing the Sub 30s on my two channel system, my listening panel and I were amazed at the upgrade in resolution to my Salons which were already biamped.

As a satisfied owner of a Velodyne DD-15 with a top-notch 2 CH system, I prefer to listen to my own ears rather than to heresay. Or perhaps to follow this month's Stereophile Recommended Components list: the Velodyne DD-18, the Revel Sub 30, and REL Studio III are all "A" list components.
I have a B-15 I use for 2 chan. and it took about 6 months to set it up. The problem I had was with placement being limited by the room. In addtition I have come to find that I have a very very large suck out between 20-30hrz as well as 50-70hrz. Not a good combo as it tends to rob the bass presentation of both its low end impact and the leading edge, making things too laid back. Then again, with plenty of energy at 30 or so you get a nice bump that can make it seem like all is well with some materinal and make setup a bit problematic as you go from song to song and notice the suck out with some material.

The revel does a good job at integrating and smoothing things out. Not perfect, as I still feel there is a bit of something missing in the 50hrz range, but after about 6 months all is in very good shape. Be prepared to play around with setup/placement, cables and your main speakers to get the best from it.

If I had to do it over I might go with the 30 or with Aerial maybe even on of the thiel's. But at the price range around 3k I don't think there is much better.