REL sub setup

I am looking at subs and REL seems highly recommended for music which is my only concern. I am a little confused about setup. What is the Neutrix connector? Is the best way to set up my 2 channel system (using a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 pre) to buy a y splitter and run the second pair of outs to the sub input using an interconnect designed for low frequency signals or a standard high quality IC (I would need roughly a 15 foot run)?


Hey Ultraviolet,

I have two Strata IIIs and I've never noticed a switch from high pass and low pass. I've been running them for almost a year without having to touch them, except, of course, for the occasional adjusting of the crossover after changing a piece or cable(s) in my system. So sit back, enjoy and don't bother getting up to adjust the sub. I'm 100% sure the sub automatically switches back and forth depending on the signal it receives.......John
I'm not sure because it's not in front of me, but I think there's a knob with numbers 1-4. In the manual it says they are high pass 0 phase, high pass 180 phase, low pass 0 phase and low pass 180 phase. At least this is what I think it is. I have mine set to high pass 0 phase. If I'm not totally making this up, why would the sub have this switch if it auto detected? I guess maybe I should call REL...
Correct me if I'm wrong Jrwr7, but those independant knobs allow you to set the phase control for the different inputs independently, so when it auto switches inputs, the phase is customized for that input; you may want the phase setting different for movies than music.
Hey Y'all,

I've read the manual and on page five it explains the functions of the mode selector. I have my subs set to 4, meaning the phase is set to 180' and I have the LFE signal by-passing the ABC filter in the subs because I have my processor handling the crossover, thus giving the subs only the signal they need to reproduce through the RCA cable connection. The line level signal would need to go through the ABC to blend the frequencies properly with the speakers. The subs are receiving a full spectrum signal straight from the amp, through the Nutrik cable, so the ABC would filter out everything above the frequencies the sub is set to reproduce. I had to read the manual about four times before I felt I had it correct. I hope this clears things up.......John
The mode switch may not actually be the input selector. It sounds like you still need to change the mode switch position when going from the hi level input source for music to the lo level input from the HT source. The advantage is you don't need to swap connections going from one source to the other. Since I only use the Stadium III for music, it has not been a feature I use.