Relative Importance of Analog Components

We see people struggling with what to upgrade next, or where to direct their attention if everything seems to be working fairly well. I'm probably a bit more inclined to give more importance to sources and less to speakers than most people, but in general I like to look at which component is the 'rate-limiting factor' which one holds back the rest and then concentrate on improving that.

But to look specifically at vinyl reproduction, I have the strong impression that out of the four main components, they can be ordered in importance of potential effect on sound like this:


Phono stage



I'm sure other people would list those four in a different order. How would you rank them and why?



Ah. I shall, briefly, fantasise about our two most prolix members having their own subforum, in which they can drown each other in words.

Unfortunately, this won't help clarify my question much. I'm content with my view, but I'm fascinated that other views exist, some of them ordering the parts in the exact opposite of my ranking. There really isn't a right answer, except theoretically, because the weakest link in anyone's chain will always demand attention.

Doggie, Good word, “prolix”. Your brain must be larger than the “pea size” you claim for it.

I believe they’re all equally important, after

all you are only as good as your weakest link.




that's why the question was in the scope of upgrade, which one would be the best improvement

@dogberry Stated "or where to direct their attention if everything seems to be working fairly well."

@needfreestuff in a very "non-prolix" response has summarised very much of what has been said in earlier posts.

To get to the optimal, all Interfaces are requiring attention.

It is the how much attention that is given, that separates the assembly as being Only Capable or Bordering on Optimised and Quite Capable.

For creating the Interface between a Assembly of Parts it is not strange or uncommon, to see where quite experienced individuals, that are sure in their knowing limitations in knowledge are present, and are willing to call on the Services of Skilled Technicians who set up the Analogue Front End or Invest In/ Hire a Computer Software Program to assist with the task of Setting Up.

Set Up Services or Software and those that are with acquired skills from a time served experience, do not focus on one part only within the assembly, the marriage of all parts is the focus .