@dogberry Stated "or where to direct their attention if everything seems to be working fairly well."
@needfreestuff in a very "non-prolix" response has summarised very much of what has been said in earlier posts.
To get to the optimal, all Interfaces are requiring attention.
It is the how much attention that is given, that separates the assembly as being Only Capable or Bordering on Optimised and Quite Capable.
For creating the Interface between a Assembly of Parts it is not strange or uncommon, to see where quite experienced individuals, that are sure in their knowing limitations in knowledge are present, and are willing to call on the Services of Skilled Technicians who set up the Analogue Front End or Invest In/ Hire a Computer Software Program to assist with the task of Setting Up.
Set Up Services or Software and those that are with acquired skills from a time served experience, do not focus on one part only within the assembly, the marriage of all parts is the focus .