Repair-Restoration Tech for Vintage Sansui Amps??

Looking for recommendations of reliable Vintage Amplifier repair-restoration specialists-

-specifically with experience on the venerable SANSUI- AU line of amps from the 70's.

Anywhere in US recommendations appreciated,

Thanks much!!
I have used Hamad at Amplifier Surgery with excellent results. Reasonably priced and quick turn times. He can be contacted at:
I know Terry Dewick in Tennesse is known for modifying and fixing Sansui and all vintage receivers, amps and tuners from the 70s. Just google Terry Dewick Sansui
Here's his website.
I had A vintage au 717 sansui amp. Had a problem with the servo start up function . Tried to get it fixed locally but no one could fix it after 3 months of trying .

Called Terry Dewick of vintage amp repair . He does alot of mac repair and warranty . My amp was restored and at a very reasonable cost .