Replacement amp for NAD 3020a?

I have one of these amps linked up to a pair of Royd Sintra II's, through which I play my ipod mainly, though I do have a Rega turntable I use now and then. I was advised ages ago that the Royds could use a more powerful amp. My top limit is £700 so I was looking at the Roskan Kandy 2. But then the more I looked...the Rotel ra1520 came up. And also the Yamaha A S500, as a budget option. What do you think? Go with the Yamaha or push the boat out for the Roskan or Rotel, or other ideas!?

Hi, thank you for the advise. I do like the sound of the 3020 - just that I'm always wondering if an upgrade would make my speakers sound much better. I suppose getting a demonstration amp to test at home might be the way forward.
If you like the sound of the NAD, I don't think you'll like the Rotel. I had a NAD C317 (80w per ch I believe) and I absolutely loved it. I had it for about 10 years and decided it was time to upgrade. I auditioned the Rotel RB1582 amp (200w per ch) and the RC1580 preamp. I thought I liked my audition and bought them, only to find out they sounded terrible with my B&W Cm7's. For lack of a better term it sounded very bright and was painful to listen to at any level for more than 15 minutes. At first I thought it was my speakers, so I grabbed my old B&W 602's from the cellar and it sounded just as bad. A friend brought over his Rogue Cronus Magnum and it sounded amazing, just like my NAD. I ended up selling the Rotel gear and bought the Rogue Cronus Magnum which I still love today. I would not hesitate to buy another NAD either, and if I can find a deal on a nice used NAD integrated, I will buy another so I don't have to run the tubes in the summer. This is just my experience and opinion, but I would try and find something that sounds more like your NAD if you like it.
Simon, I use a 3020A to drive Signet speakers in my video system. More than once I've been caught up by the degree of musicality it produces from appropriate video content. I would hesitate to replace it with anything else that I could not audition first, just to be sure I was not giving up anything.