Hey Ardri
I use an Audience AU24 cable, with a DIN to an XLR, and I had mine made special by Audience for about $500.
(This was back when the AU24 was just starting to get good press, because now the price is closer to $1,000. Ouch!)
(I prefer the XLR terminations as they lock in easier than RCA cables, and unlock just as easy! Those locking RCA terminations can be a pain to get unlocked, IMHO.)
Plus, my Ayre K-1xe preamp has three balanced and three unbalanced inputs, and I knew I would already be using all three of the unbalanced inputs, (tuner, SACD player and CD recorder), whereas I was only using the one set of balanced inputs for my phono input.
I like the AU24 cable as it is pretty neutral, and does not accentuate the digital sound, however, I am sure that there are other equally as good cables out there.
(i.e. It is not as ruthlessly revealing as say the Nordost Valhalla cables. I am a big fan of the Valhallas, but just not in that particular cdp to preamp link. In fact, I would love to find an inexpensive 4+ meter pair of XLRs to use between my preamp and my monoblock amps.)