REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab

I have about 5 grand to spend on loudspeakers.  Of these 2, Tekton Moab and Revel performa3 f208, which one would you goners buy? Or any recommendations? I have an old Krell FPB 400CX, Ayre K5xe mp, Wadia 321 Dac, VPI Classic turntable. 
@jeffvegas can't wait to hear your side by side comparision of the Revels and Moabs.  So few people on here post opinions based on actual a/b comparisions which is the only real way to know what you prefer. Just be prepared for the wait on the Moabs that is probably around 3 months now. 

It would be really interesting, and beneficial to someone I am sure, if you came back to this thread once you have both (pairs of) speakers and let us know your opinion. It would be much appreciated.
It will be big Harman samsung owned Revel vs the little company in Utah Tekton.  Who will win? Stay tuned. 
Don’t forget, Performa3 F208 predated Samsung acquisition by a few years.