Revel salon Bass

when I have listened to the salon at the local shops the bass response has not been as good as the rave reviews have suggested. amp was levenson 333.

what have others found on synthesizer or pipe organ bass.
How does the Salon's extreme bottom end compare with that of the Wilson 7 ????

The WP 7's are quite remarkable in bass reproduction. Not only can they slam if called upon, they reproduce the tone of bass and percussion instruments as well or better than any speaker I have heard in their size and price range. In my observations, the WP 7's are more emotional, musical, and involving than the Salon's. I have only listened to the Salon's with ML gear but I have listened to the Wilson's with tube and SS. They are great speakers. I highly recommend that you give them an audition.
Salons tend to be extremely neutral and revealing speakers, especially if the equipment upstream from them deviates from neutral. This includes the speaker cables, interconnects, and powercords (to include AC filtration). I can hear the tonal signature of every change I make in my system whether for better or worse sometimes. Wilson WP 7's are definetly a more musical speaker if that is what you are looking for. Realize then you are limited to a musical sounding system because you have elected to deviate from neutrality by your speaker choice.
I power my Salons with an Edge NL-10 and Harmonix Sophisticated Listeners Choice speaker cables (single wired only using Harmonix Max Jumper instead of the factory jumpers) and this is a perfectly sublime match for them. I have to agree the demo pair at the dealer had Levinson amps and Transparent cabling and I was not very impressed with the sound. These speakers are thorough breds that require very careful system matching and set-up to achieve the stellar sound they are truly capable of. But when done correctly will provide the truly exceptional bass that is tonally correct, tight, fast, and extended if it is in the source material. They were voiced for neutrality, not musicality, so if your not willing to system match and lean toward the musical look into the WP 7's.
It is astounding to me that people who make a living selling audio equipment use such little thought in the setup of the gear and where the consumer hears it. A minority of retailers really think about this and set the equipment up with the proper cable and acousitics. Why anyone would sell high end gear in a setting hostile to sound is beyond me. Rives is right it would be a great idea for these retailers to consider acoustics in their stores. It would be great if they would also demo broken in rather than green gear.
I am powered the Revel studio with ML 336 all valhalla cable and the bass is incredible, also you might want to check the front end. What kind of cd player are they using? good luck have fun listening