Revel Salon vs Vandersteen 5A

Well... Tell me what you guys think!
Vandersteen has the advantage of its time/phase coherence. Whereas the salons MAY just have phase...
Has anyone listened to both?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Speaking of the 5A measuring good... could someone link me to some for the 5A?

Raquel do you run the lower range stuff with SS? or everything with tube?
No Docks, I sold all of the lower range stuff to your sister (which she likes real good). You're welcome.
Raquel, the negative feedback argument is so yesterday. If that were true, digital sources would always sound lifeless, because every IC op-amp circuit has negative feedback. And digital recordings don't always sound lifeless.

If there really are the audible differences you describe, it's much more likely because the tube amp produces a non-flat frequency response when confronted with the load of the speaker.

With regard to amplifiers, global feedback is indeed an issue and I ask whether you have heard no global feedback amps like DarTZeel or Ayre (or no-feedback tube designs). Rowland went with a no global feedback design with his new 625 stereo amp and there's a reason for it.

Regarding my VAC monoblocks, top-flight tube amps, with stiff power supplies and high-quality output transformers, basically function like a solid-state amp into a speaker, unless the speaker features wild impedance swings. The Salons do not and in my particular case, they measured basically flat in-room from 40 Hz. to 16 khz.

PS - To me, most digital sounds pretty lifeless.