Revel Ultima Studio 2 & Pass Labs XA30.5


does anybody run the above combo together?

Was it enough power within reasonable volumes? 90-95 dB occasionally?

What was the sound quality like?

Hi Jeff,
I'm in Australia. Besides the big Vincent Mono's. Vincent SP-T700, Vincent SP-994. Benchmark (Australia) Plexus upgraded, Benchmark A300 upgraded. Krell KSA-250, Rotel RB1090.
Gents :

I'be been running the Studio2's with the Pass Labs XA30.5 & CJ ET3.
(et3 has lots of gain, only 48 of 100 on preamp at 87-90 db)

It appears to be plenty......
125 watts a/b(6 db headroom)and 30 watts Class A

at 87 db, and way louder than I can stand, the 30 watt needle just lightly wiggled

very happy with bass & high end.....and power

Now, I'll spike the speakers and see how the bass reacts
