Our latest Statement Audio Pro-measurement gives us access to much more details and layers than any other pre amp can create.
This makes these cables in effectness so much bigger. You need to be able to reveal as much details and layers as possible.
But....most audio products are incomplete in properties on facts. The people who own these products have no idea what they miss and which properties these products own.
When people own products who are incomplete (over 99% of all audio products are incomplete) these cables will loose a lot of the quality they could create.
I did read the reactions of all the people about the AQ powercables. I see a lot of pain and irritation. And I understand them all. These reactions made me call Audioquest to do something to make a change in the world of audio.
In the last months I got several messages of people who wants advice about their audio systems. There is only one way to help them and that is to visit them. And give demoes in the US as well. We need some time to think how we can work this out.
I want to give another example.
In August we visited a new client for the first time. He bought an Oled and a poweramp and pre amp from us. And a networkplayer and many different cables.
We wanted to have an idea about his old stuff so we first started to listen to his system as it was. We were surprised how small the influence was of the different AQ cables we sold.
But when we replaced the amp,pre amp and source we sold we came into a different world. And the cables had a huge influence on the whole system.
That is why Tru-Fi is over 300% more effective than any trial and error way to create an audio system. You need all the properties of sound to get the best out of the Audioquest cables.
He owned products of brands you all know. They had great (paid) reviews and that was why he bought it. But mannn they where all based on facts 2-dimensional. And there was almost no diversity in sound. And even the individual focus of voices and instruments was very limited.
This proofs how easy it is to get a wrong idea about the real quality of a product. I have met many people who have the same kind of limitations.
This week we visited a new client. He visited first a client of mine who lives near his city. He also visited me at home. So I could explain him what all the different parts are of sound.
We also listened first to his system. The stage was 2-dimensional and all voices and instruments where standing on the same line. The thing what was the biggest problem was the acoustic. Most of his own music he could not play in this house. It was the worst acoustic in over 8 years I visited ( all the time you had a big humm in the low freq). He owned a dac and streamer of about 4500 euro. There was almost no diversity and the focus was very poor.
We put his speakers with professional lasers on the same line and hight. And we used digital levelers to place the speaker the right way.
Before this we listend to some music. After this we showed him how big the differences where when everything was leveled.
After the S.A.P-measurement we started to listen to all the extreme songs with the most acoustic problems. Each individual song you could listen without any kind of acoustic limitation. The resolution was superior. And the layers of voices and instruments where divers as they should be.
Now we listend to a deep and wide stage. And voices and instruments where all fysical apparent and free from eachother.
We gave him the freedom to be able to play each single song he wants to listen.
It is one of my personal goals to bring many people to a 3-dimensional stage, with all the layers and without acoustic limitations. And this is possible now even for prices many people can afford.
This makes these cables in effectness so much bigger. You need to be able to reveal as much details and layers as possible.
But....most audio products are incomplete in properties on facts. The people who own these products have no idea what they miss and which properties these products own.
When people own products who are incomplete (over 99% of all audio products are incomplete) these cables will loose a lot of the quality they could create.
I did read the reactions of all the people about the AQ powercables. I see a lot of pain and irritation. And I understand them all. These reactions made me call Audioquest to do something to make a change in the world of audio.
In the last months I got several messages of people who wants advice about their audio systems. There is only one way to help them and that is to visit them. And give demoes in the US as well. We need some time to think how we can work this out.
I want to give another example.
In August we visited a new client for the first time. He bought an Oled and a poweramp and pre amp from us. And a networkplayer and many different cables.
We wanted to have an idea about his old stuff so we first started to listen to his system as it was. We were surprised how small the influence was of the different AQ cables we sold.
But when we replaced the amp,pre amp and source we sold we came into a different world. And the cables had a huge influence on the whole system.
That is why Tru-Fi is over 300% more effective than any trial and error way to create an audio system. You need all the properties of sound to get the best out of the Audioquest cables.
He owned products of brands you all know. They had great (paid) reviews and that was why he bought it. But mannn they where all based on facts 2-dimensional. And there was almost no diversity in sound. And even the individual focus of voices and instruments was very limited.
This proofs how easy it is to get a wrong idea about the real quality of a product. I have met many people who have the same kind of limitations.
This week we visited a new client. He visited first a client of mine who lives near his city. He also visited me at home. So I could explain him what all the different parts are of sound.
We also listened first to his system. The stage was 2-dimensional and all voices and instruments where standing on the same line. The thing what was the biggest problem was the acoustic. Most of his own music he could not play in this house. It was the worst acoustic in over 8 years I visited ( all the time you had a big humm in the low freq). He owned a dac and streamer of about 4500 euro. There was almost no diversity and the focus was very poor.
We put his speakers with professional lasers on the same line and hight. And we used digital levelers to place the speaker the right way.
Before this we listend to some music. After this we showed him how big the differences where when everything was leveled.
After the S.A.P-measurement we started to listen to all the extreme songs with the most acoustic problems. Each individual song you could listen without any kind of acoustic limitation. The resolution was superior. And the layers of voices and instruments where divers as they should be.
Now we listend to a deep and wide stage. And voices and instruments where all fysical apparent and free from eachother.
We gave him the freedom to be able to play each single song he wants to listen.
It is one of my personal goals to bring many people to a 3-dimensional stage, with all the layers and without acoustic limitations. And this is possible now even for prices many people can afford.