Review: Energy Loudspeakers Veritas 2.3 Speaker

Category: Speakers

Let me start of with one word...WOW..I have been a B&W owner for over 15 years..Had a pair of M/803's that I wanted to sell and started looking at other speakers...time for an upgrade. Went to the local Speciality stores and started looked into the B&W N/803's and 804's..they sounded great..looked at other speakers as well..finally got the chance to listen to the E/2.3's...jaw dropping sound stage and clarity.. the speakers just blew me away..yes, I was shocked..and for the price, there is no competition. I have been building speakers and have been a music enthusiast for over 20 years. My electronics are top rate and are better that what was hooked to the speakers in the stores...I am just in heaven with the way the sound at home.
Having been building speakers and reading books on crossovers, speaker design, and driver manufacturing for years, these speakers are built with what I consider the best overall design on the market. The sound is the proof. These speakers are top rate as far as the manufacturing and quality construction goes, there is no better on the market.
The overall design is truly state of the art. Highly recommended after 3 months of heavy pursuit into looking for my next set of speakers. Do not pass up the chance to give these speaker a good listening to if you are in the market. I also have spoken w/Energy corp. and find them to be extremely helpful when it came to answering any questions I had. These speakers need good amplification, as all speakers do, but they come alive w/ the proper power supplied to them

Fantastic sound stage, super detail, and very musical. Can hear thing I never could on other speakers. Easy to set up. Beautiful finish

Associated gear
Aragon 200 watt amp /Aragon pre-amp /
Denon DVD 3300 / custom interconnects /
MIT speaker hose

Similar products
Paradigm, B&W, Boston,Triangle,Infinity,
I also have the energy V2.3 and really like them. In fact, I also have the Dennon dvd3300. I find that this combo is a little too bright. How have you faired? The Dennon is really new. Did your need a long break in period?

It's somewhat sad that Energy speakers are often overlooked by audiophiles. I have owned Klipsch, Thiels, NHT, and numerous others, and Energy Veritas speakers are so far better than all these its astounding.
I too am a Veritas convert. Been into this hobby for over 30 years and couldn't start to list all the speakers I've been through. Like the author of this review, I went to audition a pair of B&W N803's and came home with a pair of 2.3i's.

These speakers image like there's no tomorrow. Bass is extended, fast and detailed, soundstage width and depth are as good as I've heard from any speaker (dome mid?), verticle and horizontal dispersion is excellent (no 2" sweet spot with these speakers), and they are extremely well balanced throughout the spectrum.

As I try to think of their weakness the only thing that comes to mind is perhaps a little more bass extension. Don't get me wrong, even in this area they are very good and have a very deep bass for their cabinet and driver sizes. But, I can't help but wonder how the much better the 2.4i's are in this regard. I've not had a chance to hear these, but hope to some day. Probably the icing on the cake.

IMO there are very few speakers in their price range that can do so much so well. They do jazz, rock, classical, what ever you throw at them. The only other speaker I've run across recently that caught my attention is the Usher line. I'd love to compare the two side by side.

In closing I'll add that for these speakers to sound their best they need good amplification. Don't think a receiver would work. They're not an inefficient speaker, but they sound best and like good power. Also, they are very revealing so the quality of what you have upstream will show through.

If your in the market for a speaker in the $2500 range give these a listen.
I too am a Veritas convert. Been into this hobby for over 30 years and couldn't start to list all the speakers I've been through. Like the author of this review, I went to audition a pair of B&W N803's and came home with a pair of 2.3i's.

These speakers image like there's no tomorrow. Bass is extended, fast and detailed, soundstage width and depth are as good as I've heard from any speaker (dome mid?), verticle and horizontal dispersion is excellent (no 2" sweet spot with these speakers), and they are extremely well balanced throughout the spectrum.

As I try to think of their weakness the only thing that comes to mind is perhaps a little more bass extension. Don't get me wrong, even in this area they are very good and have a very deep bass for their cabinet and driver sizes. But, I can't help but wonder how the much better the 2.4i's are in this regard. I've not had a chance to hear these, but hope to some day. Probably the icing on the cake.

IMO there are very few speakers in their price range that can do so much so well. They do jazz, rock, classical, what ever you throw at them. The only other speaker I've run across recently that caught my attention is the Usher line. I'd love to compare the two side by side.

In closing I'll add that for these speakers to sound their best they need good amplification. Don't think a receiver would work. They're not an inefficient speaker, but they sound best and like good power. Also, they are very revealing so the quality of what you have upstream will show through.

If your in the market for a speaker in the $2500 range give these a listen.
I have to say that I started my hobby with Energy Pro 22 ...the original speaker that put Energy on the map. I STILL OWN THIS SPEAKER 25 years later....while I have owned many others and let them go....these will never be sold. They were used by CBC as reference monitors. They have the legendary hyperdome tweeter.

My current speakers are all ATC and these are the speakers that made the 3" dome mid range design famous. Whilst my ATC SCM 100 actives can play louder with more dynamic range, a slightly tighter bass, a slight bit more articulation/detail in the midrange than the Energy Pro 22's ever could ...there are striking similarities between these monitors in that they share fundamentally the same accurate low distortion with wide dispersion/image and great dynamics...and yet the Energy Pro 22 were but are a mere fraction of the cost of my ATC SCM 100's and they were a mere two way design!!

I can't say enough good things about Energy speakers. The Veritas being a three way design with a closely integrated dome mid and dome tweeter sounds absolutely awesome and would be first on my list to audition if I didnt already own the ATC's. Are the Veritas better than ATC's ....I would say they don't quite have the dynamic range/SPL power (while remaining at low distortion) of ATC's but the sound is pretty close and when you factor in their lower cost I bet many people might say they are better suited for domestic applications where you rarely get to use the kind of power the larger studio ATC's are capable of. To be fair, I guess the SCM 35's might give the Veritas a run for their money in terms of quality and value but I have not heard the 35's to compare.

In any case, all I am saying is that I agree with all the positive comments on this thread 100%.