When you have a free moment,
check out
for the low cost Tenderfeet for use beneath a turntable, and tiny grungebuster dots on headshell and tonearm counterweight.
The control of resonances, and vibrations with one or more of these products should solve your wooly bass situation.
The Tenderfeet under any component are quite cost effective.
Also, the Way Excellent II turntable mat is a transferable tweak for any turntable.
You can tune your sound by varying how many of these ideas you choose to keep. There is an incredibly long ninety day home trial period from this wonderful vendor.
As an aside, the replacement of the turntable belt can give new life to some turntables, including reducing wooly bass from lack of torque.
When you have a free moment,
check out
for the low cost Tenderfeet for use beneath a turntable, and tiny grungebuster dots on headshell and tonearm counterweight.
The control of resonances, and vibrations with one or more of these products should solve your wooly bass situation.
The Tenderfeet under any component are quite cost effective.
Also, the Way Excellent II turntable mat is a transferable tweak for any turntable.
You can tune your sound by varying how many of these ideas you choose to keep. There is an incredibly long ninety day home trial period from this wonderful vendor.
As an aside, the replacement of the turntable belt can give new life to some turntables, including reducing wooly bass from lack of torque.