Review: Usher BE-10 Speaker

Category: Speakers

My first impression of the BE-10 is that they look unbelievable. Obviously they took some styling cues from the Sonus Faber Amanti line with the slighly backward sloping front baffle and horizontal bands of wood that make up the cabinet. The front baffle is also made of a black piano finish, very shiny and durable. Overall these speakers must rank in my book as one of the nicest looking speakers around. To me they are more attractive than the 802d mainly because they look more traditional and opulent.

Lets first start by comparing the tweeters. The BE-10 tweeters sounded more crisp and "alive". Every guitar pluck of the flamenco muscians were so well defined and amazingly sharp without sounding harsh. The d tweeters to me are more smooth but they lack the quickness of the beryllium tweeters. On more fast paced flamenco tracks, the beryllium tweeters seemed to also respond very quickly, keeping pace without any problems. On guitar passages the beryllium sounded more lifelike to me. Being a guitar player myself, I could see and sense each string pluck. Amazing! The ability of the beryllium tweeter to sound fast and crisp could be due the fact that it is a lighter material than diamond, allowing it to have a faster response time.

Next the mids. Here is where I prefer the 802d fst driver. Though the BE-10 mids sounded very clear and transparent, to me they also sounded sterile and clinical. The fst driver sounded more natural to me. It recreates the human voice in a way that to me more lifelike while not losing any emotion or timbre. Maybe the fst driver colors the sound but I prefer the slightly warm presentation of the B&W. To some people, the absolute transparency of the BE-10 may be hard to pass up. I found them to be a bit fatiguing.

Now for the bass. The BE-10 is driven by a single 11" bass driver. We listened to a variety of tracks with slow extended bass notes and quick snapping bass notes. In this area, the BE-10 sounded better than the 802d. The Be-10 bass was tight, crisp, controlled without sounding boomy. The 802d has the tendency to sound a bit boomy to me. But this could be due to the room treatments.

Finally, overall presentation. The BE-10 casts a very deep soundstage. The sound is actually quite recessed behind the front plane of the speakers. This helps create great dimensionality to the sound but it also has a negative affect. The vocals sounded like the singer was standing further back on the stage than some of the instruments which is not normally how a band sets up. Though the great depth of the soundstage was very easy to fall in love with, at the end of the day I thought it did not sound normal. In this sense, I prefer the slightly forward presentation of the 802d. Vocals are forward while other instruments are furhter back on the stage. The 802d does lack the absolute deep soundstage of the BE-10.

So what is the verdict? Well as with everything in this whacky audiophile world, it is really up to preference. My Dad really likes the BE-10. I think he likes the crispness of the tweeter and transparency of the mids because it makes music sound livelier to his 60+ year old ears which is not as good as it used to be. Right now, I prefer a smoother, slightly warm and sweet sound. For me the 802d is the right choice. Dont get me wrong, the BE-10 is amazing!! I love the way they look. The beryllium technology is something to be considered. Its attributes of clarity, detail, and speed are fantastic. I like them enough to try and convince my dad and brother to split the cost with me so we can buy a pair for an all analog and tube setup we are thinking of building. I think with tubes, the BE-10 could be a fantastic choice.

Side note: Not that it matters but the Usher BE-10 are made in Taiwan. I firmly believe audiophile products coming from Asia have to be reckoned with. In this case, cheaper does not mean not as good. I think in the next decade, Asian audiophile products are really going to put pressure on the North American and European manufacturers.

Associated gear
Amp: Accuphase monoblocks (not sure which ones)
Source: Esoteric universal player
Speaker cables: Nordost Vahalla
IC: no idea
Room size: 16' W x 18' L x 8' H
Room treatments: 5 GIK bass traps (one behind each speaker, one on the side of each speaker and one on the front wall between the speakers)
Ozzy, thanks for your input. Since this review I have actually purchased the Be-10s. I am very happy. I do intend on changing out speaker cables and on my short list are the Virtual Dynamics and Purist Venustas.

Thanks again!!!
I tried the Purist Venustus, but actually thought the Purist Aqueous was better, however, with my Legacy Focus.

The VD Revelations are much better, taking quite a while to break in, but sounding better daily.

The Ushers are on my short list. I have not been able to demo them yet.
So please keep me informed as to how they work out for you .
Ozzy, I can say that I am 100% happy with the Ushers. Not do they look fantastic, but they also sound incredible. I am aboslutely sold on the beryllium technology. The sound is clean, uncolored, dynamic. To get similar performance you would have to spend $30-$40K IMHO. Paired with my Pass XA160s I am in sonic heaven. I am having some issues with the soundsstaging but I know this is due to my room. Please let me know if you have any specific questions about the Ushers. I would be happy to help.
had a chance to hear 8871 II, BE-10, and BE-20. I have also recently heard Elac and MBL 116. Usher BE really shines in all spectrum. Like what everyone already pointed out, the crispness, or leading edge definition, is simply awesome and rivals any ribbon tweeter I have heard. Detail is also world class in every way, I will even put it up against any ribbon speakers. Usher BE reproduces string music better than anything I have heard and I have heard way too many. I thought my Amati was good with string music, Usher BE does string even better. More details, more micro dynamic, more natural decay of musical note, and this is on a poorly setup room and equipments so you can imagine how well they will sound with better electronics.

We have all heard good sounding equipments from China at very low price, but I have never heard world class equipments from far east (Japan included) that are original in design and "affordable", affordable is a relative term in audio as anyone knows. Usher BE breaks the mold and I am ready to buy a pair.