Richter's Well Tempered Clavier

I recently bought the cd version of Richter's recording of Bach's Well Tempered Clavier.

The sound is pretty bad: A combination of muffled + reverb-ish that is hard to listen to after a few minutes.

Is there an alternate cd version that is better? LP?
btw: Here is a youtube video of two selections from the cd. Th excessive decay/echo is relevantly similar to what is heard on a good system. Please let me know if the LP is an improvement.
Hi Jim,
The Lp is definitely an improvement. The clear lines of playing and music/sound that issue from Richter are quite clean and very easy to follow. Yes there is some reverb BUT unlike the example on Youtube it sounds like it is in a more open or larger space, the box and insert give no indication as to where it was recorded. The sound on youtube is more similiar to the Gould in terms of immediacy. Only have Book II so while the preludes were in the same key and same number slightly different in presentation.
Whether my system is a good one is a bit more subjective, but thanks for the thought.
Also interested in the Richter LP. Love his playing. I have Gould's which is my single favorite recording of anything by anyone, and also recommend Vladimir Feltsman.