Rockport owners.

Why Rockport??  Of those of you out there that own Rockport I’m curious why you choose this speaker over so many others?
There are plenty of options like Wilson, Focal, Magico, Vivid etc. However Rockport has a cult like following. Why is this? Seldom do I ever find those that had Rockport and were unhappy. What is it that makes you a loyal Rockport fan. I’m considering them and just wanted to get some idea before traveling to listen for my self. My room is 18x25x18high
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One reason that people keep their Rockport speakers is they are so heavy and difficult to ship,,,who wants to do that....easier just to say you love them and live with them....much like a marriage...
Not Rockport but my reason not upgrading yet. LOL! Lucky still happy with my speaker.
Heard neighbor’s Altair II with VTL Siegfried II and Ypsilon sources. Full body, resolving, powerful, organic ...  He upgraded to Arrakis and now Altair is available if interested.

Heard Alexx at event with Bob McGrath. Exceptional speaker. Little dark with MSB amp. Too bad didn’t use Momentum.
Bottom line can’t go wrong with any at price range. All great just matter of taste.

I would take YG Sonja 2.2/2.3 over both (and have heard Alexx and Altair 2 extensively). All 3 take big SS monos to drive. Spectral might work best tonally with the Wilson and its paper drivers. But it sounds if you've sold multiple Wilson speakers they may not be for you. You might take your amp to your next demo to confirm compatibility?
kiethr- selling my Wilsons was only to move up the chain not because I didn’t like them. Hoe er I did hear the YG Anat and I I felt it to be dry and uninvolving. 
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