Rogue 88 problems

I bought an used Rogue 88(not magnum). I met couple of problems, hope somebody could help me out.
1. The fan gives rather big noise. My listening room is small (13X12), and it's really annoying. The seller told me the amp is about a year old. Is it about time to change the fan?
2. I hear sparks from the speaker in the first 20 mins when I turn 88 on. What could be the cause of this?
3. This one is not really a problem. When I switch from UL to triode, the volume of sound dosen't change. I am expecting the sound to go down, because the output is half of UL.

Thanks in advance.
I had what sounded like arcing on start up as well with my 88 Magnum. I cleaned all the tube sockets and it eventually stopped happening. To quiet the noisy fan I simply removed the cover and thoroughly dusted the fan and its housing with a soft make-up brush. It worked. I have only used the ultralinear mode so I can't help with your last question.

You're in the bad situation because

a) you can't get away without fan(due to high-biased tubes in amplifier)
b) fan is always noisy especially DC motor ones.
c) Rogue is known for its "innovative" designs that either have reliability or performance issues biting a consumer thereafter or even soon after the purchase is made.


a) Assuming that there is a DC motor try to use AC motor fan that is substantially less noisy. It's easy to reconnect the leads before the rectifying bridge if this is the case.

b) Don't use expencive speakers or make sure that the warranty of your speakers covers the poor amps' perfomance(s).
Marakanetz-where does your information come from regarding poor reliability or performance issues regarding Rogue?
You are the first person I have ever encountered making a statement to this effect.

What Rogue component have you had you had a problem with?

If you know of some who have had problems please direct them to this thread.
Anyone have a complaint regarding Rogue??
FWIW my old 99 always perfomed perfectly and does so to this day for the new owner.It must be 5 years old by now.
Regarding Marakanetz's post, do yourself a favor and try the simple procedures I recommended before you despair. Oxidation and debris build-up have nothing to do with design or build quality. If that doesn't work I would contact Mark O'Brian at Rogue. Mark and his staff are extremely helpful and very responsive. FYI I have used my 88 Magnum and a Rogue 66 Magnum preamp almost daily for over three years without any issues other than the aforementioned which were easily rectified.
Well I can tell you that I spent about 1 month trying to get rid of the arc issue. I tried everything from switching out tubes to moving my components around. I finaly took the approach of cleaning up the mess of power wires in the rear. I made an effort to isolate every power cable and make sure they were all quite a distance from each other. Problem gone. I was giving up but it worked. The sound is better now also. I have since ordered a naw power cord.
I have no problem with my fan. I can only hear it if I get right down next to it.
I have had mine for 9 months and for the first time last night I put it in UL mode. Definate difference in sound. A little lean for my taste but it is there. Maybe because I have been listening it triode mode for 9 months that now I prefer that sound. Sometimes if you haven't spent time with the sound and you switch back and fourth you might not catch the difference right away. Give it some time in one mode or the other.
Next, don't listen to this guy about reliability. He appears to be one of these wannabe experts that needs to spread his opinion around. You have a very good amp, and there is not another builder around that is as nice a guy and as helpful as Mark at Rogue.