Roon (Nucleus+) Dilemma

I recently purchased a used Nucleus+ at a reasonable price. It was a good news/bad news transaction. The bad news was that setting it up for myself as the second owner was a bit of a challenge The good news was that the internal 2 1/2tb SSD contained some 1,500 albums! Not being a new setup Roon did not look over my network for music files.and I had to go to storage in settings to manually add my NAS. This I did by clicking on add a folder, then add network share and inserting the path to my NAS (\\TS1200D2D0\share. Worked fine and I was pretty proud of myself for like many other 86 year old's I  not very computer literate. or like them much for that matter.Then I encountered the following difficulty. I also have several hundred albums on a Sony HAP-Z1ES . Ideally I would like Roon to utilize these files as well. The path to my music there is: Network > HAP-Z1ES > HAP_Internal > RV2, with individual files in RV2. I have tried entering the following paths:
No matter what I have tried I get a "Path not valid" error message

I have a very will informed friend who says Roon simply will not access these files. I am not sure he is correct for the Nucleus, the Sony, and my Cary DSM-600 streamer/DAC are all connected to my network. I can see that by looking on my computer. Further, I can depress the Network button on the Cary remote, select any of the music files on the Sony, and play them! So if the Sony can see the files and play them I can't see why Roon won't.

Obviously. either my friend is correct and "you can't get there from here" or I am not smart enough to get the pathway correct

This is driving me nuts and Roon Labs has been of no help. I could REALLY use some of your collective expertise!

Ag insider logo xs@2xoldscott
If you know how to get into your router you should give the Sony a static address. If the address changes roon will lose it and you'll need to look for it again. 
djones - YOU ARE A GENIUS! I Had a heck of a time finding the Sony's IP but found it to be So entering \\\Hap_Internal did the trick! 
You might try \\ip address of HAP \HAP_internal
See if you can map it in windows explorer, if so try the same format in roon
Hi OP,
I looked around at the manuals, I'm afraid I could not find anything in it about creating/configuring network shares.  Looks like the Sony app is the only way to get to those files, and like you said, it seems you cannot simply restore the original files to your PC.

What a really limited ecosystem.
To All,,. I did go to yesterday and the only response I have yet had is a request for a screen shot. I guess I am stuck on this.
Eric, you can move files to external storage but they are somehow compressed and only useful for reinstalling. You can" take them for for playing. Yet my DAC can see them, let me select albums, let me select titles, and play them, . 
In order for Roon to see any files from the Sony, the Hap-Z1ES must present these files to the network via a shared folder.  I'm not sure reading the description of the HAP if it has this capability or if it is capable if it has been configured properly. 

I see there is special software to move files to/from a PC, so you may need to manually pull the files off, and copy them to a place Roon can get to them.
Have you tried asking at the Roon forums? Here is the link: They have a specific subsection for support.