Rotel RCD-1072 vs Sony XA5400ES

Hello all, which of these two players is better for CD-only playback? The Rotel is an older unit which has served me quite well over the years. The Sony player also does SACD which I don't need but does use the better DAC out of the two -- the Burr Brown 1796 DAC.
FWIW, I had an RCD-1072 and loved it, but ended up selling it one year after buying a Squeezebox Touch (was $300 then). Playing the same CD (wav image and CD itself), using the analog signal out of both units and into a fairly resolving system, I could hear no difference. But the SBT had the edge over the CD medium in flexibility (ability to create playlists, hi-rez music, etc), so ended up selling my beloved Rotel to help finance a DAC.

I know it's not what the OP asked for, but I thought it would be useful for you to know.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I've just been informed that Rotel has released a brand spankin' new RCD-1570. Might have to hold out for a while until I hear their new offering, which has XLR outputs I might add!
Over the years Rotel has had an excellent run of cd players...990, 991AE, 1072 & 1520.